European Environmental Bureau: EEB President Mikael Karlsson, Jan-Erik Peterson, from the EEA, journalist Dave Keating, and the IFAB's Laura Sutcliffe.
European Environmental Bureau: Jan-Erik Peterson, from the European Environment Agency.
European Environmental Bureau: EEB President Mikael Karlsson opens the session.
European Environmental Bureau: Part 1 of the conference focused on the declining state of our natural resources and the role of farming.
European Environmental Bureau: Laura Sutcliffe from IFAB
European Environmental Bureau: EEB Senior Policy Officer for Agriculture and Bioenergy Faustine Bas-Defossez and Journalist Dave Keating
European Environmental Bureau: EEB Senior Policy Officer for Agriculture and Bioenergy Faustine Bas-Defossez
European Environmental Bureau: Michael Carus - Nova Institute
European Environmental Bureau: Ursula Hudson - Slow Food
European Environmental Bureau: Part 2 of the conference focused on policy contradictions.
European Environmental Bureau: Erik Steen Jensen from SLU says agroecological methods such as intercropping increase yields.
European Environmental Bureau: Part 3 of the conference looked to the future.
European Environmental Bureau: BirdLife's Senior EU Agriculture and Bioenergy Policy Officer Trees Robijns
European Environmental Bureau: Nikolai Pushkarev - EPHA
European Environmental Bureau: Matteo Bartolini - AGIA
European Environmental Bureau: Panel discussion underway.
European Environmental Bureau: Beppe Croce from Legambiente and Alessandro Triantafyllidis from IFOAM EU and AIAB
European Environmental Bureau: DG AGRI's Pierre Bascou and journalist Dave Keating.
European Environmental Bureau: Pierre Bascou, Director, DG AGRI, European Commission.
European Environmental Bureau: Mikael Karlsson, EEB President
European Environmental Bureau: Journalist Dave Keating
European Environmental Bureau: #futurefoodsecurity