European Environmental Bureau:
Energy Savings Campaign logo
European Environmental Bureau:
Our last meeting at the Polish Climate Coalition Strategic meeting
European Environmental Bureau:
Aleksandra Arcipowska from the Institute for Sustainable Development (EEB member) being interviewed by National Polish radio Polskie Radio, Program Pierwszy on energy saving issues #est10
European Environmental Bureau:
Erica Hope (CAN Europe) and Julia Michalak (Greenpeace Poland) being interviewed by Polish Radio on Energy Saving issues
European Environmental Bureau:
Aleksandra Arcipowska
European Environmental Bureau:
Ewaryst Hille
European Environmental Bureau:
Sending our messages on Energy Saving through the Polish Media
European Environmental Bureau:
Energy Savings Increase Security of Supply; Brook Riley from Friends of the Earth presenting at the Brunch
European Environmental Bureau:
Brunch for the Polish media on the potential of Energy Savings
European Environmental Bureau:
Energy Efficiency in Poland needs to be 'lifted' up
European Environmental Bureau:
At a Czech - Polish Roundtable (Warsaw) on 'Development Co-operation and Climate Change during the Polish EU Presidency'; Erica Hope presented on EU climate and energy policy in view of the coming Polish presidency in the coming year.
European Environmental Bureau:
With the vice president of the chamber of architects in Hungary
European Environmental Bureau:
At a workshop on climate, energy, water and the Hungarian presidency. We were on a panel to present and discuss on climate and energy saving with representatives of Hungarian NGOs and also secretary of state for energy Peter Olajos.
European Environmental Bureau:
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