European Women's Lobby: Mr. Mendes Bota showing publications of Council of Europe
European Women's Lobby: Elise Petitpas, from Amnesty International asking a question
European Women's Lobby: Mr Mendes Bota (Council of Europe), Ms Greboval (EWL), Mr Gustafsson (MEP)
European Women's Lobby: ms Schumacher (Un Women), Ms Manjoo (Un SR on VAW), Ms De Troy (EWL), Ms Pape (EWL), Ms Tomasetti (EC), Ms Bankier (EC)
European Women's Lobby: ms Schumacher (Un Women), Ms Manjoo (Un SR on VAW), Ms De Troy (EWL), Ms Pape (EWL), Ms Tomasetti (EC), Ms Bankier (EC)
European Women's Lobby: Mr Mendes Bota (Council of Europe), Ms Greboval (EWL), Mr Gustafsson (MEP), Ms Hadjitheodosiou (Cyprus Presidency)
European Women's Lobby: Mr Mendes Bota (Council of Europe), Ms Greboval (EWL), Mr Gustafsson (MEP), Ms Hadjitheodosiou (Cyprus Presidency)