europeanschoolnet: EMINENT & eLearning Awards
europeanschoolnet: Mike Trucano, World Bank
europeanschoolnet: Mike Trucano, World Bank
europeanschoolnet: Giovanni Biondi (Chair EUN Steering Committee) and Marc Durando (Executive Director, European Schoolnet)
europeanschoolnet: Attendance at EMINENT
europeanschoolnet: Attendance at EMINENT
europeanschoolnet: Domizio, EMINENT Podcaster
europeanschoolnet: The Podcasting Station (
europeanschoolnet: Attendance at EMINENT
europeanschoolnet: MArc Durando, Executive Director, European Schoolnet
europeanschoolnet: Marc Durando, Giovanni Biondi
europeanschoolnet: Gavin Dyke
europeanschoolnet: Giovanni Biondi, ANSAS
europeanschoolnet: Young participant
europeanschoolnet: Participants
europeanschoolnet: Young participant
europeanschoolnet: Stands at the exhibition hall
europeanschoolnet: Conference crew
europeanschoolnet: Pr Luigi Berlinguer, Giovanni Biondi, Marc Durando
europeanschoolnet: Pr Luigi Berlinguer
europeanschoolnet: Participants
europeanschoolnet: Using new technologies
europeanschoolnet: Participants