European Parliament:
Plenary session - January 2024
European Parliament:
President Zelenskyy says Russia is a grave threat to the European way of life
European Parliament:
Timeline: how the EU has been supporting Ukraine since the start of the war
European Parliament:
Parliament call for massive increase of military assistance to Ukraine
European Parliament:
SOTEU 2022
European Parliament:
SOTEU 2022
European Parliament:
July plenary session in Strasbourg
European Parliament:
Members discussed priorities of the Czech Presidency with Prime Minister Fiala
European Parliament:
War in Ukraine: keep the pressure up on Russia and aim for energy independence
European Parliament:
State of the EU: MEPs debate about the EU’s most immediate challenges
European Parliament:
Greta Thunberg urges MEPs to show climate leadership
European Parliament:
Vote on EU-Vietman Free trade agreement and other issues
European Parliament:
Vote on EU-Vietman Free trade agreement and other issues
European Parliament:
Parliament pays tribute to the victims of the Holocaust
European Parliament:
Opening - January I plenary session
European Parliament:
Opening - January I plenary session
European Parliament:
Voting session
European Parliament:
EU investment budget for 2020: A boost for the climate
European Parliament:
EU investment budget for 2020: A boost for the climate
European Parliament:
EU investment budget for 2020: A boost for the climate
European Parliament:
Hearings: Maroš Šefčovič (Slovakia) - Vice president-designate - interinstitutional relations and foresight.
European Parliament:
Deal or no deal: MEPs debate state of play on Brexit talks
European Parliament:
The Week Ahead 15 – 21 July 2019
European Parliament:
Voting session
European Parliament:
Antonio Megalizzi and Bartosz Orent-Niedzielski
European Parliament:
Opening - Deaths of journalists must be rigorously investigated
European Parliament:
Voting session
European Parliament:
Opening of plenary
European Parliament:
State of the Union debate: Strengthen EU as a global player
European Parliament:
Voting session