European Parliament: Inside the plenary
European Parliament: MEP Nigel Farage (EFDD) discussing with Jean-Claude Juncker
European Parliament: MEP Manfred Weber (EPP) discussing with Jean-Claude Juncker
European Parliament: Inside the plenary
European Parliament: Donald Tusk, President of the European Council together with Jean-Claude Juncker, President of European Commission in the plenary
European Parliament: Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament in plenary
European Parliament: Inside the plenary
European Parliament: Inside the plenary
European Parliament: Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament in plenary
European Parliament: Donald Tusk, President of the European Council in the plenary
European Parliament: Inside the plenary - MEPs talking about freedom of speech
European Parliament: Inside the plenary - MEPs talking about freedom of speech
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future
European Parliament: UK in the EU: MEPs debate the country’s European future