European Parliament: #Europeanwinter at the parliament in Strasbourg
European Parliament: #JeSuisCharlie minute of silence
European Parliament: #JeSuisCharlie minute of silence
European Parliament: #JeSuisCharlie banner on the tram stop in front of the European Parliament. #CharlieHebdo
European Parliament: Silhouettes of a cameraman outiside the European Parliament
European Parliament: Matteo Renzi at the European Parliament delivered the closing speech of the semester of Italian Presidency of the Council
European Parliament: Latvia's PM Laimdota Straujuma presents Latvian Presidency's priorities #eu2015lv at the European Parliament
European Parliament: A double sun in the sky
European Parliament: A President with a smile
European Parliament: #Europeanwinter at the parliament in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Parliament sets up a special committee on tax rulings
European Parliament: Parliament sets up a special committee on tax rulings
European Parliament: Opening: tax rulings committee vote Thursday
European Parliament: January Plenary session is over and the night falls on the European Parliament in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Joint press point by the European Parliament President Martin Schulz and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras
European Parliament: US vice-president Joe Biden official visits to the European Parliament
European Parliament: MEPs call for country of origin labelling of meat in processed foods
European Parliament: MEPs vote in favour of a resolution for labelling of meat in processed foods by country of origin
European Parliament: The King and Queen of Belgium at the European Parliament
European Parliament: The King and Queen of Belgium at the European Parliament
European Parliament: Outcome of the European Council debate
European Parliament: Outcome of the European Council debate
European Parliament: His Holiness Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II at the EP
European Parliament: Inter-religious dialogue: the way to defeat extremism
European Parliament: Swan flying in front of the building of the European Parliament
European Parliament: March plenary session kicked off in Strasbourg
European Parliament: King of Jordan: We will not allow terrorists to hijack our faith
European Parliament: January Plenary session is over and the night falls on the European Parliament in Strasbourg
European Parliament: King Abdullah II of Jordan at the EP
European Parliament: King Abdullah II of Jordan at the EP