European Parliament: Summer view outside the European Parliament
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency - Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency - Jean-Claude JUNCKER (President of the European Commission)
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency - Manfred Weber (EPP, DE)
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency - Gianni Pittella (S&D, IT)
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency - Roberts ZĪLE (ECR, LV)
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency - Guy VERHOFSTADT (ALDE, BE)
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency - Rebecca Harms (Greens/EFA, DE)
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency - Paul Nuttall (EFDD, UK)
European Parliament: Review of the Latvian Presidency - Gianluca BUONANNO (ENF, IT)
European Parliament: Debate on TTIP recommendations - Bernd Lange
European Parliament: A minute of silence for London's July 7th attacks
European Parliament: Xavier Bettel, Prime minister of Luxembourg speaks about Council priorities
European Parliament: Xavier Bettel, Prime minister of Luxembourg speaks about Council priorities
European Parliament: Xavier Bettel, Prime minister of Luxembourg speaks about Council priorities
European Parliament: Xavier Bettel, Prime minister of Luxembourg speaks about Council priorities
European Parliament: Xavier Bettel, Prime minister of Luxembourg speaks about Council priorities
European Parliament: Xavier Bettel, Prime minister of Luxembourg speaks about Council priorities
European Parliament: Plenary debate on Greece with PM Alexis Tsipras
European Parliament: Plenary debate on Greece with PM Alexis Tsipras
European Parliament: Plenary debate on Greece with PM Alexis Tsipras - Council President Donald Tusk
European Parliament: Plenary debate on Greece with PM Alexis Tsipras - Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker
European Parliament: Plenary debate on Greece with PM Alexis Tsipras - Greek PM Alexis Tsipras
European Parliament: Plenary debate on Greece with PM Tsipras
European Parliament: Plenary debate on Greece with PM Alexis Tsipras
European Parliament: Plenary debate on Greece with PM Alexis Tsipras - Manfred Weber (EPP, Germany)