European Parliament: Follow the @Europeanparliament on #instagram:
European Parliament: Opening of May 2015 Plenary session
European Parliament: Opening of May 2015 Plenary session
European Parliament: Everybody is at one place - the European Parliament has it May 2015 plenary session in Strasbourg this week
European Parliament: Conflict minerals: preventing military groups from funding their activities with Commissioner Cecilia Malmström ( European Commission)
European Parliament: Conflict minerals: preventing military groups from funding their activities with Rappotreur Iuliu Winkler (EPP)
European Parliament: Digital Single market: Levelling the digital playing field with Vice-President Ansip Andrus (European Commission)
European Parliament: Digital Single market: Levelling the digital playing field with Grossetête Françoise (EPP)
European Parliament: Digital Single market: Levelling the digital playing field with Lauristin Marju (S&D)
European Parliament: Digital Single market: Levelling the digital playing field with Ford Vicky (ECR)
European Parliament: Digital Single market: Levelling the digital playing field with Charanzová Dita (ALDE)
European Parliament: Digital Single market: Levelling the digital playing field with Dennisde Jong (GUE/NGL)
European Parliament: Digital Single market: Levelling the digital playing field with Reimon Michel (Verts)
European Parliament: Digital Single market: Levelling the digital playing field with David Borrelli (EFDD)
European Parliament: Digital Single market: Levelling the digital playing field with Mylène Troszczynski ( non attached)
European Parliament: Follow the @Europeanparliament on #instagram:
European Parliament: Follow the @Europeanparliament on #instagram:
European Parliament: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán debated the situation in Hungary
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response
European Parliament: Migration: MEPs debate EU response