European Parliament: Soldier during the Flag ceremony
European Parliament: Flag ceremony in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Soldiers during the Flag ceremony
European Parliament: Musicians playing in Strasbourg
European Parliament: The EP President during the Flag ceremony
European Parliament: Flag ceremony in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Soldiers carrying the EU flag
European Parliament: Gianni Pittella during the Flag ceremony
European Parliament: The EU flags in Strasbourg
European Parliament: The EU flags in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Gianni Pittella during the Flag ceremony
European Parliament: Sunlight shaping interviews
European Parliament: Fresh flowers to start the Plenary
European Parliament: EP guest photographers Alessandra Giansante and Gabor Szello met for the first time
European Parliament: New and old mailboxes in Strasbourg
European Parliament: The ballots in Strasbourg
European Parliament: A new MEP is searching his seat number
European Parliament: Interview in Strasbourg outside the EP Chanmber
European Parliament: MEPs on their way to the plenary Chamber
European Parliament: Welcome to the new MEPs
European Parliament: July I session in music
European Parliament: First: a snapshot
European Parliament: The first Plenary in music
European Parliament: A quick snapshot of the plenary chamber
European Parliament: Music in Strasbourg
European Parliament: A photo with Martin Schulz, re-elected President of the Parliament
European Parliament: Music in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Gianni Pittella chairs the first sitting of the Parliament 2014 term
European Parliament: The first Plenary in music
European Parliament: The first Plenary in music