European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: Snow White at the EP
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: On the way to the next political meeting
European Parliament: Listening the plenary debate live or on streaming @
European Parliament: On the way to next political meeting
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: One minute of silence for the victims of terrorism
European Parliament: One minute of silence for the victims of terrorism
European Parliament: One minute of silence for the victims of terrorism
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: On the way to the next political meeting
European Parliament: On the way to the next political meeting
European Parliament: March Plenary Session is on
European Parliament: The Parliament Elections banners
European Parliament: The Parliament Elections banners
European Parliament: The Parliament Elections banners
European Parliament: Petro Poroshenko, Chair of the Ukraine-EU Parliamentary Cooperatio Committee
European Parliament: Debate on Ukraine in the March plenary: Dimitrios Kourkoulas, Greek deputy foreign minister responsible for European affairs, spoke for the Council
European Parliament: Debate on Ukraine in the March plenary: José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
European Parliament: Debate on Ukraine in the March plenary: Hannes Swoboda, chair S&D
European Parliament: Debate on Ukraine in the March plenary: Hans van Baalen, ALDE