European Parliament: The European Union flag in the European Parliament in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Ushers placing documents in the hemicycle
European Parliament: President Martin Schulz opening the June session
European Parliament: Debate on the US internet surveillance of EU citizens
European Parliament: Debate on NSA Prism Program, from L to R: Commissioner Borg, MEPs Weber, Morales, in 't Veld, Albrecht, Kirkhope, Paska and Vergiat
European Parliament: Taking notes during the debate
European Parliament: Checking which room to go to
European Parliament: Last preparations before the arrival of the Slovenian president
European Parliament: Slovenian President Borut Pahor address Parliament
European Parliament: Slovenian President Borut Pahor address Parliament
European Parliament: The new calendar for the 2014 sessions was voted on in plenary
European Parliament: A plant in the EP hemicycle
European Parliament: MEPs warnings on next EU Summit priorities ( José Manuel Barroso, Lucinda Creighton)
European Parliament: MEPs warnings on next EU Summit priorities (Joseph Daul, Hannes Swoboda)
European Parliament: MEPs warnings on next EU Summit priorities (Guy Verhofstadt, Rebecca Harms)
European Parliament: MEPs warnings on next EU Summit priorities (Martin Callanan, Lorenzo Fontana)
European Parliament: MEPs warnings on next EU Summit priorities (Gabriele Zimmer, Nicole Sinclaire)
European Parliament: Portugal's President Aníbal Cavaco Silva addresses EP plenary in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Capturing the plenary scenery
European Parliament: Upstairs, downstairs
European Parliament: Multitasking in the halls of the Parliament
European Parliament: Rolling out the flags
European Parliament: Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union
European Parliament: Headsets hanging out
European Parliament: It's all in the details
European Parliament: Red carpet under EU flag
European Parliament: The plenary session up close
European Parliament: Camera... lights... interview!
European Parliament: Another interesting plenary session is coming to the end