European Parliament: Fiery colours make up a Strasbourg fall portret
European Parliament: Martin Schulz at the opening of the plenary session
European Parliament: Applause from MEPs in the audience
European Parliament: Reaching for the voting device
European Parliament: Debora Serracchiani at work during the opening of October Session
European Parliament: Guy Verhofstadt is talking at the entrance of the EP hemicycle in Strasbourg
European Parliament: The last leaves on this tree cling on just long enough to catch the October Plenary Session
European Parliament: Reimer Böge, rapporteur on the MFF
European Parliament: Ivailo Kalfin, rapporteur on the MFF
European Parliament: Alain Lamassoure, rapporteur on the MFF
European Parliament: Andreas Mavroyiannis from the Cypriotic presidency, clarifies the Council's position
European Parliament: Maroš Šefčovič EC VP, Budget Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski
European Parliament: Nature's coalition of red and green
European Parliament: Summit conclusion debate: President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy
European Parliament: Summit conclusion debate: Commission President José Manuel Barroso
European Parliament: Looking over the shoulders of José Manuel Barroso and Herman Van Rompuy
European Parliament: Summit conclusion debate: Joseph Daul (EPP leader, FR)
European Parliament: Summit conclusion debate: Hannes Swoboda (S&D leader, AU)
European Parliament: Summit conclusion debate: Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE leader, BE)
European Parliament: Summit conclusion debate: Rebecca Harms (Greens co-chair, DE)
European Parliament: Conclusion summit debate: Martin Callanan (ECR, UK)
European Parliament: Conclusion summit debate: Gabriele Zimmer (GUE/NGL leader, DE)
European Parliament: Conclusion summit debate: Nigel Farage (EFD co-chair, UK)
European Parliament: Strasbourg dressed in fall colours
European Parliament: EU budget 2013: avoid payments shortfalls and invest in growth and jobs
European Parliament: EU budget 2013: avoid payments shortfalls and invest in growth and jobs
European Parliament: EU budget 2013: avoid payments shortfalls and invest in growth and jobs
European Parliament: Follow EP President Schulz live or on the screen
European Parliament: The grass seems greener in Strasbourg...
European Parliament: President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz