European Parliament:
Art at the EP: GANKOVSKA Vasilena (BG ) "An afternoon at burggarten #2"
European Parliament:
Art at the EP: McSWEENEY Sean (IE) "Inlet sligo"
European Parliament:
Art at the EP: ILAVSKY Svetovar (SK) "Pleonasmus I"
European Parliament:
Art at the EP: FOLON Jean-Michel (BE) "Automne"
European Parliament:
Art at the EP: STAZEWSKI Henryk (PL) "Composition no 35"
European Parliament:
Art at the EP: HOGLUND Erik (SV) "Tête de taureau"
European Parliament:
Art at the EP: PREGL Arjan (SL) "Nature"
European Parliament:
Art at the EP: BRAUN Andras (HU) "Tak-tak-tak"