European Parliament: The Arc de Triomphe
European Parliament: The French flag
European Parliament: Preparing for the Bastille Day celebrations
European Parliament: Preparing for the Bastille Day celebrations
European Parliament: The military parade starts with the national anthem
European Parliament: Bastille Day parade: French President François Hollande inspects the troops
European Parliament: The military parade on Bastille Day
European Parliament: Bastille Day parade: the guest of honour this year was EP President Martin Schulz
European Parliament: An air show put on by the French Air Force
European Parliament: All parties rise for the French national anthem
European Parliament: President Schulz and the European Parliament delegation (top right) watching at the military Parade
European Parliament: Snapping a photo of the parade
European Parliament: The military parade on Bastille Day
European Parliament: Right and left sides of the press tribune
European Parliament: The military parade on Bastille Day
European Parliament: Snapping a photo of the parade
European Parliament: Watching the military parade on Bastille Day
European Parliament: Bastille Day parade: several MEPs were invited (right)
European Parliament: The military parade on Bastille Day
European Parliament: EP President Martin Schulz, official guest of 2012 Bastille Day military parade
European Parliament: A display by the French Air Force
European Parliament: The military parade on Bastille Day
European Parliament: The military parade on Bastille Day
European Parliament: The military parade on Bastille Day
European Parliament: The military parade on Bastille Day
European Parliament: A display by the French Air Force
European Parliament: Bastille Day parade: the European Union flag and the French flag (just out of shot)