European Parliament: Promoting the .eu domain in the European Parliament
European Parliament: An usher distributes documents prior to the opening of the session
European Parliament: A gloomy opening of May Plenary session: school bombing and earthquake in Italy
European Parliament: One minute silence in rememberance of anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone
European Parliament: Red on red - a visitor checks out at a work of art in the EP
European Parliament: Beyond austerity: how to achieve growth without loosening the reins on debt control
European Parliament: The session in full swing
European Parliament: MEP Pawel Robert Kowal and Commissioner Štefan Füle during the debate on Ukraine
European Parliament: Preparing notes for the next item on the agenda
European Parliament: Janez Potočnik and Edit Bauer discuss equal pay for male and female workers
European Parliament: EP this week: crisis, FTT, gender pay gap and Ukraine
European Parliament: Oral question on the re-introduction of Swiss residence permits for certain EU Citizens
European Parliament: The Parliament aims to tighten rules protecting EU bluefin tuna stocks
European Parliament: Relief as the report on tackling unfair competition is adopted
European Parliament: Parliament adopts ambitious approach on financial transaction tax
European Parliament: Shaking hands in front of the EP main entrance in Strasbourg