European Parliament: Future of Europe debate in the EP Chamber
European Parliament: "Together is the only way forward"
European Parliament: "We should achieve growth by making our economies more competitive"
European Parliament: "The austerity budget is undermining public investment"
European Parliament: "This is not a debt crisis"
European Parliament: "We need to take responsibility"
European Parliament: "Free trade is the best way"
European Parliament: "The EU Titanic has hit the iceberg"
European Parliament: "We need to learn the lessons"
European Parliament: WDR Europa Forum at the EP
European Parliament: WDR Europa Forum at the EP
European Parliament: Mobile roaming rates debate: phoning home will cost less!
European Parliament: WDR Europa Forum at the EP
European Parliament: A minute's silence for journalist and MEP Miguel Portas
European Parliament: A stand full of plastic bottles at the entrance of the EP chamber to raise awarness on plastic recycling
European Parliament: Niccolò Rinaldi: trade "wonderful opportunity" for Arab Spring democracy
European Parliament: MEPs approve the EC's 2010 budget spending
European Parliament: 43 budget discharge reports were voted in plenary today