European Parliament: You've got mail! The internal mail service for MEPs
European Parliament: The Chamber and corridors of the EP before the start of the session
European Parliament: Getting all the last things done before the Plenary
European Parliament: Opening remarks of EP President Martin Schulz
European Parliament: A journalist takes notes on President Schulz's opening speech
European Parliament: Ready, set, go!
European Parliament: The EP in Strasbourg is never short on surprises
European Parliament: Rushing to the Chamber
European Parliament: A white morning in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Live from the EP
European Parliament: Question time with three Commissioners
European Parliament: The snow falls in Strasbourg as the second day of session starts...
European Parliament: Inside and outside the Chamber
European Parliament: March European Council - the debate
European Parliament: March European Council - the debate
European Parliament: Inside/outside the EP: looking at the agenda & looking at the snow
European Parliament: Nearly there...
European Parliament: Italian PM Mario Monti and EP President Martin Schulz
European Parliament: Mario Monti makes his way to the EP Chamber for the debate on economic developments in Italy and Europe
European Parliament: Italian PM Mario Monti answers the MEPs questions
European Parliament: MEPs pose questions to Italian PM Mario Monti
European Parliament: Three moments during Thursday's debate with Italian PM Mario Monti
European Parliament: A dream come true for several young chess players...
European Parliament: MEPs call for the use of Eurobonds
European Parliament: Behind the scenes, prior to the vote on blind people's access to books
European Parliament: Running to vote
European Parliament: Voting on one of the amendments