European Parliament: The Parliament pays tribute to the victims of tragic road accident in Switzerland
European Parliament: March opening: remembering victims of Fukushima, terrorism, and Syria's uprising
European Parliament: March opening: remembering victims of Fukushima, terrorism, and Syria's uprising
European Parliament: March opening: remembering victims of Fukushima, terrorism, and Syria's uprising
European Parliament: Opening: remembering victims of Fukushima, terrorism, and Syria's uprising
European Parliament: March opening: remembering victims of Fukushima, terrorism, and Syria's uprising
European Parliament: Van Rompuy enters the EP Chamber for the debate
European Parliament: Listening to the other side
European Parliament: Shooting the debate
European Parliament: Debate on the conclusions of the European Council meeting (1-2 March 2012)
European Parliament: MEPs scrutinised Dutch discriminatory website
European Parliament: Concerns about limited progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina
European Parliament: Italian MEP Rosario Crocetta (S&D) after EP decision on setting up a special committee on organised crime
European Parliament: Vote on enlargement
European Parliament: Busy day at the EP
European Parliament: Nearing the end of the session...
European Parliament: Gabi Zimmer takes over from Lothar Bisky as GUE/NGL President
European Parliament: MEPs vote an amendement in favour of a low carbon economy
European Parliament: Chris Davies jubilant after the vote on a low carbon economy