European Parliament: Budget, social issues centre stage October Strasbourg plenary
European Parliament: Opening of the session - Debate on euro-crisis added on Tuesday, key EU decisions, Tunisia, Libya, ETA and Turkey
European Parliament: Opening of the session - Debate on euro-crisis added on Tuesday, key EU decisions, Tunisia, Libya, ETA and Turkey
European Parliament: State of play of the negotiations of the European Council concerning the economic crisis (debate)
European Parliament: Steps towards more inclusive society
European Parliament: Live: MEPs decide position on EU's 2012 budget
European Parliament: EU 2012 Budget is voted by the EP
European Parliament: Facebook chat with Jan Zahradil
European Parliament: Deaf Hungarian MEP Ádám Kósa
European Parliament: MEP Barbara Matera
European Parliament: Maternity - a service not a burden
European Parliament: Anti-mafia MEP Sonia Alfano
European Parliament: The European Parliament in Strasbourg
European Parliament: European Ombudsman Nikiforos Diamandouros
European Parliament: Newsletter- 24-27 October 2011 - Strasbourg plenary session
European Parliament: Jerzy Buzek, Manuel Barroso and Herman Van Rompuy prior to entering the Chamber to discuss the European Council euro deal
European Parliament: European Council President Herman Van Rompuy
European Parliament: European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek
European Parliament: Herman Van Rompuy and José Manuel Barroso
European Parliament: European Commission President José Manuel Barroso