European Parliament: EP ushers medallion
European Parliament: Opening of Strasbourg plenary session
European Parliament: Debate on EU-Palestine trade
European Parliament: Juncker meets EP President Jerzy Buzek
European Parliament: A voting screen displays the upcoming question hour with Juncker
European Parliament: Juncker addresses the hemicycle
European Parliament: European flag on the European Court of Human Rights
European Parliament: Voting time at the EP
European Parliament: Voting with a plaster
European Parliament: Palestinian case: controversial issue within Parliament
European Parliament: Before the starting of the debate Catherine Ashton waving to commissioner Štefan Füle
European Parliament: Palestine and North Africa
European Parliament: State of the Union: Barroso arrives at the EP
European Parliament: State of the Union: Barroso and Lady Ashton
European Parliament: State of the Union
European Parliament: State of the Union: Barroso addresses the MEPs
European Parliament: MEPs react to Barroso's address
European Parliament: EPP Leader Joseph Daul
European Parliament: EPP Leader Joseph Daul
European Parliament: Making a few last minute changes...
European Parliament: State of the Union
European Parliament: ALDE Leader Guy Verhofstadt
European Parliament: Barroso during the debate
European Parliament: Verhofstadt at the end of his speech
European Parliament: State of the Union
European Parliament: State of the Union
European Parliament: State of the Union: recording the speech...
European Parliament: Lady Ashton and Barroso during a speech by an MEP
European Parliament: State of the Union
European Parliament: UKIP Leader Nigel Farage