European Parliament: International Women's Day 2011: "Let's make things happen"
European Parliament: Six MEPs from Parliament's all-party Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee
European Parliament: Mary Robinson: "Encourage European countries to get excited about the transformative impact that women can have"
European Parliament: A woman's silhouette in the EP before the Women's Day debate
European Parliament: A mother at work
European Parliament: An usher waits for the EP President to enter the hemicycle to open the session
European Parliament: A photo projection on 100 years of women's rights
European Parliament: Portuguese MEP Marisa Matias with a rose in her hair shortly before the International Women's Day debate
European Parliament: Women's Day badges were available for MEPs, members of the press as well as the general public
European Parliament: Swedish MEP Eva-Britt Svensson and colleagues share a joke
European Parliament: Bulgarian MEP Mariya Nedelcheva and Italian MEP Licia Ronzulli
European Parliament: Commissioner Viviane Reding, Commission President Jose Barroso, EP President Jerzy Buzek
European Parliament: A gavel and a rose
European Parliament: MEP Dagmar Roth-Behrendt and Vice-President Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou look at the screen during celebration
European Parliament: Commission President Barroso takes the floor during the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day
European Parliament: President Buzek and a panel of mainly female MEPs, vice-presidents and quaestors
European Parliament: MEP Silvana Koch-Mehrin speaks during the Women's Day debate
European Parliament: Each speaker is allotted a given number of minutes in which he or she has to make his point...
European Parliament: MEP Rebecca Harms makes a point during the Women's Day debate
European Parliament: A woman at work in the EP tribune in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Council member Enikő Győri
European Parliament: A woman walks past the Women's Day poster in the EP in Strasbourg
European Parliament: The "Women in Leadership" workshop for journalists
European Parliament: "Women in Leadership" Seminar - discussing different points during and after the seminar
European Parliament: Speakers and participants at the "Women in Leadership" seminar
European Parliament: A lighter moment during the "Women in Leadership" seminar
European Parliament: Women's rights one hundred years on: the fight continues
European Parliament: Some MEPs dressed as men as a playful protest against gender inequality