European Parliament: Getting ready to drive to the vatican - the Montecitorio obelisk is reflected on the bonnet of the car.
European Parliament: 10:20 AM - Buzek's entourage being escorted to the Vatican
European Parliament: Papal Swiss Guards standing guard outside of the Vatican
European Parliament: President Buzek being escorted to his meeting with HH Pope Benedict XVI
European Parliament: The papal seal
European Parliament: A photographer at the Vatican
European Parliament: 11 AM - President Buzek discussing the situation in North Africa and the Middle East with HH Pope Benedict XVI
European Parliament: A coffered ceiling at the Vatican
European Parliament: President Buzek presenting his delegation to HH Pope Benedict XVI
European Parliament: President Buzek and his entourage together with HH Pope Benedict XVI
European Parliament: Jerzy Buzek and Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican, Rome
European Parliament: Jerzy Buzek received by Pope Benedict XVI
European Parliament: Jerzy Buzek meets Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican
European Parliament: The Papal Swiss Guard in 'III Loggia'
European Parliament: Stained glass windows in the Vatican
European Parliament: 11:30 AM - Walking to the meeting with Cardinal Bertone
European Parliament: Buzek and Cardinal Bertone shaking hands
European Parliament: A memento of Buzek's visit to the Vatican
European Parliament: The papal flag
European Parliament: 12:15 AM - Cortile San Damaso
European Parliament: The EP President leaving the Vatican
European Parliament: 12:20 AM - Inside St. Peter's Basilica
European Parliament: Visiting the tomb of Pope John Paul II
European Parliament: Sepulcrum Sancti Petri Apostoli
European Parliament: A book on the Vatican's medals - presented to President Buzek by Cardinal Bertone
European Parliament: St. Peter's Square