European Parliament: MEPs gather at the hemicycle
European Parliament: Opening of July plenary session
European Parliament: EP cameras are ready to catch the moment
European Parliament: "La Vanguardia" interview with Guy Verhofstadt
European Parliament: Jerzy Buzek on his way to another official meeting
European Parliament: Opening of the session: Daniel Cohn-Bendit
European Parliament: Opening of the session: Sim Kallas
European Parliament: Opening of the session: Manfred Weber
European Parliament: Debate with Spain's Zapatero draws curtain on Madrid's EU Presidency
European Parliament: Debate with Spain's Zapatero draws curtain on Madrid's EU Presidency
European Parliament: French Prime Minister François Fillon at the European Parliament
European Parliament: Yves Leterme ready to outline priorities of Belgian presidency
European Parliament: Belgian PM Yves Leterme confident about EU Council presidency
European Parliament: MEPs call for ban on food from cloned animals
European Parliament: MEPs back Iceland's EU membership bid
European Parliament: European Parliament ushers in a new era for bankers' bonuses
European Parliament: MEPs back root-and-branch reform of financial supervision
European Parliament: MEPs back Iceland's EU membership bid
European Parliament: MEPs vote to cut illegal timber out of the EU market
European Parliament: Stricter rules on industrial emissions
European Parliament: Press conference on reform of financial supervision
European Parliament: Press conference on reform of financial supervision
European Parliament: MEPs back root-and-branch reform of financial supervision
European Parliament: MEPs back root-and-branch reform of financial supervision
European Parliament: Diplomatic service: EU to become "a global player instead of payer"
European Parliament: Christian Wulff, German President, hold a press point
European Parliament: Diplomatic service: EU to become "a global player instead of payer"