European Parliament: Strasbourg May 2010 Plenary: economic crisis, textiles, meat glue
European Parliament: Fixing the lights.. of politique-terrain
European Parliament: Ways out of the current crisis
European Parliament: A report is ready to be distribuite to journalists
European Parliament: Journalists at work
European Parliament: The rapporteurs of the week
European Parliament: Last minute work before the plenary kicks off
European Parliament: Ready to start a new sitting..
European Parliament: EP seeks equal treatment for self-employed
European Parliament: The floor is yours..
European Parliament: Ways out of the current crisis
European Parliament: Jean Lambert on Asylum: MEPs set to back EU Support Office
European Parliament: "Made in" labels could become compulsory for clothes
European Parliament: Richard Ashworth on simplifying the CAP
European Parliament: Resettling refugees: financial incentives for volunteer host countries
European Parliament: MEPs want deeds not words in governing of Europe's economy
European Parliament: MEPs veto "meat glue" authorisation
European Parliament: EP Chamber silhouettes