European Parliament: EU flag at the European Parliament
European Parliament: Spring in Strasbourg
European Parliament: Hans-Gert Pöttering at the opening ceremony of europarltv
European Parliament: Ingrid Betancourt at the European Parliament
European Parliament: African week at the EP
European Parliament: Dalai Lama at the EP
European Parliament: Documents for journalists at EP
European Parliament: Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the European Parliament
European Parliament: Tibetan monks at the EP
European Parliament: Mikhail Gorbachev at EP
European Parliament: Kofi Annan attended the Energy Globe Awards at the EP
European Parliament: Aamir Khan attended the Energy Globe Awards at the EP
European Parliament: Hans-Gert Pöttering with some of the former presidents of the EP
European Parliament: Zucchero "Sugar" attended the Energy Globe Awards at the EP
European Parliament: Members of the EP voting
European Parliament: Alanis Morissette attended the Energy Globe Awards at the EP
European Parliament: Ahmad Bader Hassoun, Grand Mufti of Syria
European Parliament: Swedish MEP Eva-Britt Svensson's report wants less gender stereotypes
European Parliament: European Youth Media Days at the EP
European Parliament: Lobbying at the EP
European Parliament: Monica Frassoni, Co-president of the Greens/EFA Group
European Parliament: Sahkharov Prize winner Hauwa Ibrahim
European Parliament: Jacques Barrot at the EP
European Parliament: Up and down the corridors of the EP
European Parliament: Antonio Tajani at the EP
European Parliament: Flags of EU Member States at the EP
European Parliament: Francis Wurtz in the plenary
European Parliament: Czech President Václav Klaus at EP
European Parliament: Open Day 2008
European Parliament: Jeffrey Sachs, one of world's leading economists, at the EP