EUROCONTROL.INT: Full Europa Conference Room for the plenary session
EUROCONTROL.INT: Workshop on Flight Efficiency now- establishing common objectives
EUROCONTROL.INT: Workshop on CFSP's - what concrete progress and plans since last year
EUROCONTROL.INT: Workshop on Airports - towards real A-CDM and actual contribution to Network performance
EUROCONTROL.INT: Uwe Nietsche - CEO RocketRoute, Chairman CFSP Group 2015, representing the CFSP's point of view
EUROCONTROL.INT: Tony Van der Veldt - IATA Assistant Director, Safety and Flight Operations - Europe, intervening in a briefing
EUROCONTROL.INT: Smiling lady at one of the exhibition stands
EUROCONTROL.INT: Rory Sergison, Aer Lingus Air Traffic Services Manager
EUROCONTROL.INT: Razvan Bucuroiu, Head of Network Strategy and Development Division, presenting realistic expectations towards higher performance targets
EUROCONTROL.INT: Participants in Europa Conference Room's plenary session
EUROCONTROL.INT: Olaf Belzer, Programme Director - Sabre & Fly4D Consortium, discussing SESAR deployment and its impact on airlines' OCC
EUROCONTROL.INT: NM Experts discussing with the User Forum participants
EUROCONTROL.INT: Networking lunch
EUROCONTROL.INT: Markus Fiekert - Head Safety Risk Assessment & Analysis - DFS, briefing on Network Performance Planning expectations
EUROCONTROL.INT: Kenneth Thomas, Head NM Network Operations Coordination and Chris Peregrine, NM Network Operations Post Operations Manager, leading a session on Network disruptions
EUROCONTROL.INT: Jozsef Bakos - Head of ATS Hungarocontrol, taking part in the debate
EUROCONTROL.INT: Joszef Bakos, Head of ATS Operations Hungarocontrol and Mark Burgess, Head of Air Traffic Management Heathrow Airport
EUROCONTROL.INT: Joe Sultana, Director Network Manager welcoming the participants and introducing the agenda
EUROCONTROL.INT: Jean Pierre Aiguier, Head of Network Technical Systems Division - presenting NM B2B Web Services
EUROCONTROL.INT: Idalina Mendes Videira, NM Network Strategy and Development, presenting NM B2B Web Services
EUROCONTROL.INT: Guido Haesevoets, NM EAD Customer Management - presenter at workshop
EUROCONTROL.INT: Gianni Lenti, Head of NM Network Operations - briefing on safety first
EUROCONTROL.INT: Gerd Mattes - Senior Manager Flight-Dispatch and ATM Lufthansa, speaker at a workshop
EUROCONTROL.INT: Ged Boydell, Head of NM Operational Analysis and Reporting
EUROCONTROL.INT: Full Europa Conference Room for plenary session
EUROCONTROL.INT: Frank Brenner, Director General EUROCONTROL, welcome address
EUROCONTROL.INT: Frank Brenner, Director General EUROCONTROL and Joe Sultana, Director Network Manager
EUROCONTROL.INT: Exchanging views