eurekac: playground at night 4/365
eurekac: on top of the counter 3/365
eurekac: the canyon 2/365
eurekac: Tall boat 1/365
eurekac: mommy's camera bag 5/365
eurekac: a paper butterfly 8/365
eurekac: Walk to school 10/365
eurekac: I'm sad, she says . 12/365
eurekac: the panda on the playground. 13/365
eurekac: 14/365
eurekac: going to the pool. 15/365
eurekac: Reading before bedtime. 16/365.
eurekac: morning light. 18/365
eurekac: her first time picking up a violin. 19/365
eurekac: reading together 20/365
eurekac: Together. 21/365
eurekac: father daughter bonding time 22/365
eurekac: Almost bedtime. 24/365
eurekac: reading. 25/365
eurekac: under the table. 28/365
eurekac: Peekaboo. 29/365
eurekac: on the way to school. 32/365
eurekac: the actual crazy hair day.33/365
eurekac: bike/scooter/walk to school day. 34/365
eurekac: 35/365
eurekac: car ride. 36/365
eurekac: kids were here. 37/365
eurekac: home pedicure. 40/365
eurekac: the treasure box. 42/365
eurekac: bath time.44/365