euphro: Mount Lepus blowing snow
euphro: Mount Lepus belay
euphro: Mount Lepus belay 2
euphro: Mount Lepus blowing snow2
euphro: Mount Lepus icy beard
euphro: Mount Lepus from Auriga Nunataks
euphro: Mount Lepus from Auriga Nunataks 2
euphro: Mount Lepus belay 3
euphro: Mount Lepus belay from below
euphro: Mount Lepus lamprophyre in thrust
euphro: Mount Lepus view to NE
euphro: Mount Lepus view to NE of Orion Massif
euphro: Mount Lepus view to NE of Orion Massif 2
euphro: Mount Lepus northern ridge from east
euphro: Mount Lepus eastern ridges from east (pink)
euphro: Mount Lepus eastern ridges from east (blue)
euphro: Mount Lepus eastern ridges from east
euphro: Mount Lepus southeastern ridges from northeast
euphro: Mount Lepus view to NE 2
euphro: Mount Lepus northeastern ridge from east
euphro: Mount Lepus camp and ridge
euphro: Mount Lepus northeastern ridge from east 2
euphro: Mount Lepus northeastern ridge from east (sunny)
euphro: Mount Lepus pink microgranite with Paul Thompson
euphro: Mount Lepus pink microgranite with Paul Thompson 2
euphro: Mount Lepus camp with Paul Thompson
euphro: Mount Lepus belay with PT
euphro: Mount Lepus camp - good day
euphro: Mount Lepus entering snow scoop
euphro: Mount Lepus entering snow scoop 2