mpdbadge6: DC Police Commander Andy Solberg
Clark Photog: Jazzyqueens
Atilla2008: Rainbow Lorikeet
AlanW17: Fun In The Sun
Bullneck: Occupy DC March to MPD HQ -- 109
EBNovotny: Eclipse 2017
Roger B.: Elephant Hawk-moth
Mark Gellineau: Remember when I mentioned that I ended up shooting strangers in the #prom #hype? This lovely lady and her grandma asked for a photo and there was no way I was passing up their energy. This #joy in one of its purest forms. #gellineau #gellineaushootsNJ #cu
Steve Stambaugh Jr.: Serve & Protect
jon.nelson: Authority
Elvert Barnes: MXPDDC24.Upper.MeridianHill.WDC.3June2012
Elvert Barnes: 191.CapitalPrideParade.DCW.PStreet.NW.WDC.12June2010
Elvert Barnes: 37thCPP.DupontWest1.NW.WDC.9June2012