euphenia: Cool light at Fumiha's pad
euphenia: Flower tea~~
euphenia: It just pretty
euphenia: This is pretty too... ^_^
euphenia: Glazing...
euphenia: DSC03498.JPG
euphenia: Fumiha's home cooking~~
euphenia: spinach is good for you
euphenia: Salmon salad anyone?
euphenia: Eat ~~Roberto~~Eat~~
euphenia: Fumiha's homemade ぎょざ
euphenia: before cooking
euphenia: Delicious Salmon and risotto
euphenia: cold Avocado soup
euphenia: Greek Grocery in Queen!!
euphenia: This means care!!
euphenia: 酒と文葉さん
euphenia: Grapefruit jelly and Black sesame ice cream
euphenia: Grilled riceball in soup base
euphenia: salt grilled chicken
euphenia: Grill Black Cod
euphenia: this tuna taught me what is goooood ssshit!!
euphenia: fried tofu in soup base
euphenia: condiment for the tofu
euphenia: TOFU!!!!!
euphenia: Kobe Beef
euphenia: Pear tart
euphenia: Chocolate Creme Brulee
euphenia: busted~~haha
euphenia: where the think they are going?