Euphemia G: The Mauritanian landscape of Adrar
Euphemia G: By the well 1
Euphemia G: Daydreaming
Euphemia G: Touaregs' belongings
Euphemia G: Lost?
Euphemia G: I love you too...
Euphemia G: The younger Mauritanian chamelier
Euphemia G: Just perfect
Euphemia G: At the water hole
Euphemia G: Hoggar, South Algeria
Euphemia G: Inch allah
Euphemia G: Sipping his tea
Euphemia G: "Croissants" dunes in Mauritania
Euphemia G: More curves
Euphemia G: Saddling the camel
Euphemia G: Adrar, Mauritania
Euphemia G: Who, me?
Euphemia G: Curves
Euphemia G: Trekking in Ajjers, Algerian Sahara, near the border with Libya
Euphemia G: By the well 2
Euphemia G: On the dune
Euphemia G: Awesome dunes, Ahnet
Euphemia G: Ahnet, South Algeria
Euphemia G: Ahhhh... Ahnet
Euphemia G: Mauritania
Euphemia G: Bad luck...