EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Avto and Izi in MENDE_s showroom
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Avto and Izi in their showroom
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Avto and Izi, founders of MENDE
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Avto working on new product in his studio
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Avto working on new product
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Avto working on new wooden product in his studio
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Enterprise MENDE and its showroom
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Izi packaging the wooden clocks for her clients
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Showroom of MENDE
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Wooden Chairs from MENDE
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Wooden Clocks from MENDE
EU NEIGHBOURS EAST in photos: Wooden Products from MENDE