eugenethephotobug: Magnificent tall
eugenethephotobug: Lime green
eugenethephotobug: Silent post
eugenethephotobug: Docomo communicator
eugenethephotobug: Coca-cola everywhere
eugenethephotobug: The wait to cross
eugenethephotobug: Vend-it-here
eugenethephotobug: Fashion St.
eugenethephotobug: Jealousy and Envy
eugenethephotobug: The man & Starbucks
eugenethephotobug: Shibuya fashion
eugenethephotobug: City slickers
eugenethephotobug: Frozen in time
eugenethephotobug: Pissed look
eugenethephotobug: Racy colours
eugenethephotobug: Standing tall