eucharisto deo: Hand water pump in the garden of a house
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eucharisto deo: An old groundwater hand pump, Hidden away down Grafton Mews
eucharisto deo: Brewery water pump house reflected on a foggy night
eucharisto deo: the engines from the beam floor
eucharisto deo: New Smethwick pumping station (B&W Vingetted)
eucharisto deo: Looking East at Brasshouse La br and the New Smethwick pumping stationon the old main line
eucharisto deo: New Smethwick pumping station between the New (left, lower, built 1827) and old (right, higher, built 1769) canal main lines
eucharisto deo: Water pump
eucharisto deo: Pump close up and flowers
eucharisto deo: Pump and flowers
eucharisto deo: Boscobel house pump
eucharisto deo: Upper Slaughter village pump
eucharisto deo: Yarnworth village pump
eucharisto deo: The old pump house at the start of one part of the Kennet and Avon canal
eucharisto deo: Village pump in Lower Slaughter
eucharisto deo: Evie in Keeper's well
eucharisto deo: Royal well front
eucharisto deo: A roadside well
eucharisto deo: Fountain outlet of the Sand Wells
eucharisto deo: Fountain outlet of the Sand Wells
eucharisto deo: rotary club of Bakewell. well-dressing display (Bakewell)
eucharisto deo: Richards well
eucharisto deo: Royal well