eucharisto deo: Staffordshire Regiment museum
eucharisto deo: FV 432 Mk 1/1 Personnel Carrier (side)
eucharisto deo: FV 432 Mk 1/1 Personnel Carrier (front)
eucharisto deo: Ferret mk 2/3 (VHF) Scout car (side)
eucharisto deo: Ferret mk 2/3 (VHF) Scout car (front)
eucharisto deo: Universal (Bren Gun) Carrier T16 1939-1953 (side)
eucharisto deo: Universal (Bren Gun) Carrier T16 1939-1953 (inside looking forwards)
eucharisto deo: Spartan MCT Personnel Carrier (front)
eucharisto deo: Spartan MCT Personnel Carrier (side)
eucharisto deo: Iraqi MTLB (Personnel Carrier & Gun Tower) rear
eucharisto deo: Iraqi MTLB (Personnel Carrier & Gun Tower) side
eucharisto deo: Iraqi MTLB (Personnel Carrier & Gun Tower) front
eucharisto deo: A communication trench, how you got into the trenches
eucharisto deo: Sample trench map - The Coltman trench
eucharisto deo: Trench warfare info board
eucharisto deo: The Coltman trench info board
eucharisto deo: The long descent into the trenches
eucharisto deo: 60 miles to blighty sign
eucharisto deo: Trench conditions info board
eucharisto deo: Looks idyllyc.....
eucharisto deo: Coghill's post info board
eucharisto deo: That's what no-man's land would look like!
eucharisto deo: That's what no-man's land would look like!
eucharisto deo: Trenches were NEVER this clean!
eucharisto deo: Fire step info board
eucharisto deo: What a fire step might look like
eucharisto deo: Peeking over the fire step
eucharisto deo: That's what no-man's land would look like!
eucharisto deo: Panoramic inside the trenches
eucharisto deo: Panoramic inside the trenches