eucharisto deo: Across the cloister to the walls of the church
eucharisto deo: View along where the refectory and kitchen stood
eucharisto deo: Refectory above the kitchen
eucharisto deo: The length of the dormitory from the south towards the church
eucharisto deo: The servants day room under the dormitory
eucharisto deo: The Guest room
eucharisto deo: The Guest room
eucharisto deo: The stonework on the underside of the west arch
eucharisto deo: The west gate of the church
eucharisto deo: Panoramic of Priory ruins
eucharisto deo: Looking over what would have been one of the moat ponds
eucharisto deo: View from the nave
eucharisto deo: Patterns on the marker tiles from wall carvings
eucharisto deo: Patterns on the marker tiles from wall carvings
eucharisto deo: Marking the key points
eucharisto deo: The East window of the priory church
eucharisto deo: The East window of the church from the chancel
eucharisto deo: The view down the church from the chancel
eucharisto deo: The West end of the Priory church
eucharisto deo: The church of the Priory of St.James
eucharisto deo: Dudley Priory history
eucharisto deo: Dudley castle high up on the hill
eucharisto deo: The cloisters
eucharisto deo: The Cloisters
eucharisto deo: One side of the cloister, the length of the dormitory block to the sunken ponds
eucharisto deo: The Chapter house
eucharisto deo: IMG_20150804_205204