eucharisto deo: The entrance to Saratli underground city
eucharisto deo: Inside one of the main tunnels
eucharisto deo: Although slightly enlarged, it gives an indication of the tunnel size
eucharisto deo: An air shaft
eucharisto deo: And there were also drains to lower levels
eucharisto deo: One of the hallway rooms
eucharisto deo: An underground room
eucharisto deo: The underground city well
eucharisto deo: Steps down to another level
eucharisto deo: A door stone, rolled over to block the doorway
eucharisto deo: One of the smaller tunnels
eucharisto deo: The well in a central area
eucharisto deo: Another stair
eucharisto deo: underground windows?
eucharisto deo: A family "house"
eucharisto deo: Another underground room
eucharisto deo: Remember to duck!
eucharisto deo: Tight curving tunnels
eucharisto deo: Multiple tunnels
eucharisto deo: Another long low tunnel in this labyrinth!
eucharisto deo: Ahha! daylight!!
eucharisto deo: The exit!
eucharisto deo: And through that door is a whole other world!
eucharisto deo: And right on cue the buy me game begins!
eucharisto deo: OK, I give in and get one!
eucharisto deo: But I can't resist a little haggle and fun, which they understand and join in!