eucharisto deo: Venta Silurium
eucharisto deo: Venta Silurium info
eucharisto deo: Suggested Venta Silurium reconstruction
eucharisto deo: Venta Silurium plan in Roman times
eucharisto deo: South side of the West gate of the Roman walls
eucharisto deo: Info on the West gate
eucharisto deo: The walls at the SW corner
eucharisto deo: The remains of the S wall of Venta Siluris
eucharisto deo: Close up of the original Roman walls
eucharisto deo: Close up of the original Roman walls
eucharisto deo: South wall info board
eucharisto deo: All that remains along the SW side from inside the walls, looking W
eucharisto deo: The S gate looking E
eucharisto deo: Amazing church gate, a rotating paddle
eucharisto deo: Temple info board
eucharisto deo: The temple at Venta Silures
eucharisto deo: The temple at Venta Silures
eucharisto deo: The right-rear quadrant of the forum
eucharisto deo: Venta Silures forum map
eucharisto deo: The rear of the forum
eucharisto deo: Courtyard house info board
eucharisto deo: The courtyard house
eucharisto deo: Roman shops and houses
eucharisto deo: Shops and houses info board A
eucharisto deo: Map of the shops and houses of pound lane
eucharisto deo: Panoramic of the shops and houses of Pound Lane
eucharisto deo: Shops and houses info board B
eucharisto deo: Plan of houses in the Pound lane row
eucharisto deo: Pound lane shops
eucharisto deo: Pound lane shops