eucharisto deo: British museum at night
eucharisto deo: The British Museum canopy
eucharisto deo: The British Museum canopy
eucharisto deo: The British Museum canopy
eucharisto deo: Rosetta stone
eucharisto deo: Rosetta stone
eucharisto deo: Rosetta stone
eucharisto deo: Statue of Ramesses II from his mortuary temple 1250 BC
eucharisto deo: Grey granite figure of Roy, 1220BC
eucharisto deo: Red Granite sarcophagus lid of Setau (1230BC) left, Black Granite head of Ramesses VI (1150BC) centre, Pahemnetjer High priest of Ptah at mamphis (1250BC) right
eucharisto deo: Granite Ram of Amun with King Taharqa (690-664BC)
eucharisto deo: Granite Ram of Amun with King Taharqa (690-664BC)
eucharisto deo: Horus Falcon (after 600BC)
eucharisto deo: Horus Falcon (after 600BC)
eucharisto deo: Horus in Roman costume (AD50-300)
eucharisto deo: Horus in Roman costume (AD50-300) as it would have been
eucharisto deo: Kneeling statue of Montuemhat holding a stela (670-650BC)
eucharisto deo: Black schist srcophagus of Ankhnesneferibre (530 BC) The last "God's wife of Amun" before the Persian conquest
eucharisto deo: Black schist srcophagus of Ankhnesneferibre (530 BC) The last "God's wife of Amun" before the Persian conquest
eucharisto deo: Black schist srcophagus of Ankhnesneferibre (530 BC) The last "God's wife of Amun" before the Persian conquest
eucharisto deo: Black schist srcophagus of Ankhnesneferibre (530 BC) The last "God's wife of Amun" before the Persian conquest
eucharisto deo: Black schist srcophagus of Ankhnesneferibre (530 BC) The last "God's wife of Amun" before the Persian conquest
eucharisto deo: Godess Hathor 1400 BC
eucharisto deo: Granodiorite statue of Amenhotep 1400 BC
eucharisto deo: Granodiorite statue of Amenhotep 1400 BC
eucharisto deo: Four black granite figures of the Goddess Sakhmet 1400 BC
eucharisto deo: Assyrian protective Spirit, 865-60 B.C. from Nimrud
eucharisto deo: Assyrian Human-headed Winged Lion, 865-60 B.C.
eucharisto deo: Assyrian door guard
eucharisto deo: Assyrian door guard head