eucharisto deo: The old bridge close up
eucharisto deo: Bridge in the sun
eucharisto deo: The business end of the old bridge
eucharisto deo: The new bridge with Wye estuary at far left
eucharisto deo: Panoramic of both severn bridges
eucharisto deo: Twin bridges over the severn (near) and Wye (far)
eucharisto deo: Moody shot of the old Severn bridge (B&W)
eucharisto deo: The old bridge from the south
eucharisto deo: First glimpse of the severn bridge
eucharisto deo: Clifton Suspension bridge
eucharisto deo: Why the bridge is there
eucharisto deo: Focuses the mind on what a feat of engineering this is
eucharisto deo: River Avon gorge
eucharisto deo: Steel cables and hangers
eucharisto deo: Bridge and gorge panoramic
eucharisto deo: This bridge
eucharisto deo: The bridge from the other side
eucharisto deo: Bridge and Bristol
eucharisto deo: A seat with a view of the bridge
eucharisto deo: Towards Bristol
eucharisto deo: Gorge and bridge panoramic
eucharisto deo: What the bridge is there for - Britain's 2nd harbour!
eucharisto deo: Reflected in the Avon - Jessop's floating harbour
eucharisto deo: Brunel's lock, Bristol
eucharisto deo: Brunel's lock reflected
eucharisto deo: Modern bridge over Brunel's lock
eucharisto deo: The Wye Bridge over the severn
eucharisto deo: Opened 8th Sept 1966 (Just a bit older than me!)
eucharisto deo: The Wye bridge
eucharisto deo: Across the estuary wetlands