eucharisto deo: Skiddaw from the hostel - looks like it'll be a good day!
eucharisto deo: Yes, this is my view of skiddaw
eucharisto deo: Skiddaw panoramic
eucharisto deo: Skiddaw looms
eucharisto deo: Derwentwater and Skiddaw from suprise view
eucharisto deo: Who nicked Skiddaw! If you needed confirmation it's not a day for the high fells
eucharisto deo: Windvane against a cloudy Skiddaw
eucharisto deo: And on that note, I'm going for tea! A walk well walked. I'm leaving this battle for another day!
eucharisto deo: Skiddaw above the Derwent
eucharisto deo: Video from Skiddaw I
eucharisto deo: Video from Skiddaw II
eucharisto deo: Video from Skiddaw III
eucharisto deo: Well, decision made! Today I need an easy day so enough of the taunts! Today it submits!
eucharisto deo: Although Catbells does look inviting .......
eucharisto deo: Both of you asleep so late? Heavy night?
eucharisto deo: First steps up Skiddaw - View to Lonscale and Westcoe
eucharisto deo: 'I've got a long long way to go.... to reach that sumit!
eucharisto deo: Who has right of way?
eucharisto deo: First enticing glimpse of Derwentwater
eucharisto deo: First rest point @ 450m
eucharisto deo: Attempting take off
eucharisto deo: If that isn't wonderful, what is?
eucharisto deo: The Derwent valley and mountains beyond
eucharisto deo: I have come a long way!
eucharisto deo: Watching the fliers I
eucharisto deo: Watching the fliers II
eucharisto deo: Watching the fliers III
eucharisto deo: Waiting to launch
eucharisto deo: Take off I
eucharisto deo: Take off II