EU2017EE: Urve Palo
EU2017EE: Urve Palo
EU2017EE: Urve Palo
EU2017EE: Urve Palo
EU2017EE: Lina Sabaitiene and Lars Jacob Hiim
EU2017EE: Georgios Komodromos
EU2017EE: Helene Hellmark Knutsson
EU2017EE: EU-ESA informal space ministerial meeting (COMPET)
EU2017EE: Elżbieta Bieńkowska
EU2017EE: EU-ESA informal space ministerial meeting (COMPET)
EU2017EE: Elżbieta Bieńkowska
EU2017EE: Tibor Králik and Urve Palo
EU2017EE: Marius Hirte and Urve Palo
EU2017EE: Urve Palo and Krzysztof Szubert
EU2017EE: Urve Palo and Krzysztof Szubert
EU2017EE: Urve Palo and Daniela-Mihaela Camarasan
EU2017EE: Urve Palo and Roberto Battiston
EU2017EE: Urve Palo and Vincent Muscat
EU2017EE: Urve Palo and ElżbietaBieńkowska
EU2017EE: Elżbieta Bieńkowska and Urve Palo
EU2017EE: Viljar Lubi, Urve Palo and Marius Hirte
EU2017EE: Viljar Lubi and Urve Palo
EU2017EE: EU-ESA informal space ministerial meeting (COMPET)
EU2017EE: EU-ESA informal space ministerial meeting (COMPET)
EU2017EE: EU-ESA informal space ministerial meeting (COMPET)
EU2017EE: Begoña Cristeto Blasco
EU2017EE: Begoña Cristeto Blasco
EU2017EE: Family photo