Etsy Labs: Karl Burkheimer and JP Reuer
Etsy Labs: Graduate space at the Master's in Applied Craft, PNCA + OCAC
Etsy Labs: JP Reurer showing the Graduate space at the Master's in Applied Craft, PNCA + OCAC -- using all salvaged materials!
Etsy Labs: Woodshop at Graduate space at the Master's in Applied Craft, PNCA + OCAC
Etsy Labs: in the woodshop at Graduate space at the Master's in Applied Craft, PNCA + OCAC
Etsy Labs: Beautiful space at the Master's in Applied Craft, PNCA + OCAC
Etsy Labs: Graduate space at the Master's in Applied Craft, PNCA + OCAC
Etsy Labs: JP showing the structure the students built from all reused materials
Etsy Labs: the students built everything!
Etsy Labs: structures at Graduate space at the Master's in Applied Craft, PNCA + OCAC
Etsy Labs: Karl Burkheimer
Etsy Labs: View from the Cultural Residency at the CYAN through PNCA
Etsy Labs: View from the Cultural Residency at the CYAN through PNCA
Etsy Labs: Tender Loving Empire mural
Etsy Labs: cardboard sculpture at Tender Loving Empire
Etsy Labs: Tender Loving Empire
Etsy Labs: Tender Loving Empire
Etsy Labs: IMG_6698
Etsy Labs: Records at Tender Loving Empire
Etsy Labs: Cute bears at Tender Loving Empire
Etsy Labs: Window display at Tender Loving Empire
Etsy Labs: CYAN apartment building in Portland, OR
Etsy Labs: IMG_6717
Etsy Labs: Wieden + Kennedy's office roof deck
Etsy Labs: IMG_6719
Etsy Labs: Wieden + Kennedy's office
Etsy Labs: Vanessa at Wieden + Kennedy's office
Etsy Labs: bird nest structure at Wieden + Kennedy's office
Etsy Labs: IMG_6723
Etsy Labs: Ann Hudner at Wieden + Kennedy's office