Etsy Labs: Matt proposes the idea of a Patrick Swayze tribute during the awards ceremony
Etsy Labs: Matt proposes the idea of a Patrick Swayze tribute during the awards ceremony
Etsy Labs: the other Etsy Admins' jaws drop
Etsy Labs: Pete made the giant check
Etsy Labs: warm-ups
Etsy Labs: Jesse MC
Etsy Labs: Beug, Rockstarpoli, and Matt (musicians all!)
Etsy Labs: Daniellexo on the VL
Etsy Labs: IMG_5437
Etsy Labs: IMG_5438
Etsy Labs: The fine print from Sinohe and Sarah F, accountant and lawyer
Etsy Labs: Sinohe with the secret envelopes
Etsy Labs: IMG_5444
Etsy Labs: Jesse announcing
Etsy Labs: Matt announcing a winner
Etsy Labs: Lori "Kanye" 40 rudely interrupts
Etsy Labs: we really only had one big check
Etsy Labs: Starpoli moved by the Swayze tribute song
Etsy Labs: You are missed.
Etsy Labs: Swayze sing-a-long in the VL
Etsy Labs: God, you are missed.
Etsy Labs: Sarah is feeling it.
Etsy Labs: Carrington, Sara, and Erin look on
Etsy Labs: Carrington in the peanut gallery
Etsy Labs: Etsy Admin watch
Etsy Labs: Sinohe with the giant check
Etsy Labs: Sinohe with the giant check
Etsy Labs: Sarah announces that Dan Kwan in the winner!
Etsy Labs: Sinohe presents the check
Etsy Labs: Jesse wraps it up