Etsy Labs: Maria shares the loot with us at the all-company meeting
Etsy Labs: IMG_6002
Etsy Labs: IMG_6003
Etsy Labs: Maria
Etsy Labs: IMG_6006
Etsy Labs: IMG_6009
Etsy Labs: eliz
Etsy Labs: eliz
Etsy Labs: Maria
Etsy Labs: Booty from MN plus some Japanese candy from a recent business trip
Etsy Labs: IMG_6015
Etsy Labs: eliz with Glorious Hats' moustache
Etsy Labs: Christina with a lovely brooch
Etsy Labs: Handwritten note from MN
Etsy Labs: Project Matt with Minnesotan incense
Etsy Labs: "All Because of Etsy"
Etsy Labs: Etsy Admin gather round to open the goodie bag
Etsy Labs: Nicholas and Maria
Etsy Labs: Maria with goodies
Etsy Labs: Nicholas fully into the MN swag
Etsy Labs: From the Handmade MN Team's dossier
Etsy Labs: Handmade MN made this amazing dossier with their members