Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Frog on Finger.
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Easter Lily Stamen
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Close up - Bee Eating Spider on Lavender
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
hitch'n a ride, frog on thumb, Oregon
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Prince Charming, PacificTree Frog, Oregon
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Honey bee, caught in a spiders web.
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Ladybug on daisy
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Graceful Radiance
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Wild Clover, new beginings.
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
The inner world of an African Violet.
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Bee fly (Bombylius major)
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Little shrooms
Douglas Remington - Ethereal Light® Photography:
Hibiscus Spider, Ecuador