Ethan Hein: The pentatonic box
Ethan Hein: E minor scales
Ethan Hein: E minor chords
Ethan Hein: Minor thirds on the circle of fifths and the circle of half-steps
Ethan Hein: Major thirds on the circle of fifths and the circle of half-steps
Ethan Hein: Half-steps on the circle of fifths, fifths on the circle of half-steps
Ethan Hein: C ahava raba
Ethan Hein: C diminished
Ethan Hein: C dorian
Ethan Hein: C harmonic minor
Ethan Hein: C lydian
Ethan Hein: C major pentatonic
Ethan Hein: C melodic minor
Ethan Hein: C minor pentatonic
Ethan Hein: C phrygian
Ethan Hein: C whole tone
Ethan Hein: C mixolydian
Ethan Hein: C major scale clockface
Ethan Hein: A harmonic minor scale clockface
Ethan Hein: C major scale on guitar
Ethan Hein: The blues scale
Ethan Hein: Tritones and blues
Ethan Hein: Pentatonics and blues
Ethan Hein: Synthetic scales
Ethan Hein: Minor scales
Ethan Hein: Major scales
Ethan Hein: Pentatonic on the circle of fifths
Ethan Hein: C major scale on the circle of fifths
Ethan Hein: Scale flowchart
Ethan Hein: C major scale with secondary dominants