Ethan Hein: Harmony
Ethan Hein: Spiral of fifths
Ethan Hein: Chromatic spiral
Ethan Hein: Circular waveform harmonics
Ethan Hein: Wave interaction
Ethan Hein: Permutations of three-bit numbers
Ethan Hein: My warped Facebook friends
Ethan Hein: Polar to rectangular
Ethan Hein: Rectangular to polar
Ethan Hein: Counting
Ethan Hein: Rhythm and algorithm etymology
Ethan Hein: Funky Drummer loop
Ethan Hein: Intervals in the Hendrix chord
Ethan Hein: C major scale on the circle of fifths
Ethan Hein: C diminished chord clockface
Ethan Hein: A melodic minor scale clockface
Ethan Hein: A Dorian mode clockface
Ethan Hein: A natural minor scale clockface
Ethan Hein: A harmonic minor scale clockface
Ethan Hein: C major scale clockface
Ethan Hein: Pentatonic on the circle of fifths
Ethan Hein: "Take Me to the Mardi Gras" lesson