Casey Myers Photography:
Green Metalic Bee in a Globe Mallow
Casey Myers Photography:
Mmm Mmm Good!
Casey Myers Photography:
Lucky Licking his lips
Casey Myers Photography:
Beautiful Fly
Casey Myers Photography:
No mirrors were used
Casey Myers Photography:
Backyard weed
Casey Myers Photography:
Cool Eyes!
Casey Myers Photography:
Butterfly - Painted Lady
Casey Myers Photography:
Monarch Butterfly
Casey Myers Photography:
Casey Myers Photography:
99 year old Butterfly
Casey Myers Photography:
Something with wings
Casey Myers Photography:
Robber Fly sucking the life from it's latest doomed victum
Casey Myers Photography:
The Robber Flies mug shot after killing the bee.
Casey Myers Photography:
The Robber Fly's second strike.
Casey Myers Photography:
The perfect Wallpaper
Casey Myers Photography:
If I hold still...will you take my picture?
Casey Myers Photography:
MMMM Pollen!
Casey Myers Photography:
Cactus Flower
Casey Myers Photography:
Hug that petal for dear life!
Casey Myers Photography:
Eye of the Gecko
Casey Myers Photography:
Natures paint brush
Casey Myers Photography:
Finger licking good
Casey Myers Photography:
Casey Myers Photography:
Bee and Friends
Casey Myers Photography:
Arizona's - Mogollon Rim Horned Lizard
Casey Myers Photography:
Blue Metalic A Bee
Casey Myers Photography:
Stamen of Cactus Flower
Casey Myers Photography:
Bee Macro on cactus stamen